Cinnamon Hazelnut Coffee – 2



Cinnamon Hazelnut Coffee

Cinnamon Hazelnut Coffee is a medium roast, 100% Arabica beans using natural identical flavours. The combination of Cinnamon and Hazelnuts is heavily used to make Biscotti, and this coffee encapsulates that. The flavour of Sweet and Woody Cinnamon together with the nuttiness of Crushed Roasted Hazelnuts has been captured by this flavour with a spicy twist.

Cinnamon Hazelnut coffee is available in 250g, 500g or 1Kg beans or ground on request.

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Sri Lanka produces much of the world’s Ceylon cinnamon. Though the tree is also commercially grown in Brazil, the Caribbean and India. A great deal of cassia cinnamon comes from Indonesia, although the tree is also grown in Vietnam, China and Burma

When a cinnamon tree is around two years old, cultivators coppice, or cut back, the plant to the size of a stump and cover it with soil. This technique causes it to grow like a bush, with new shoots emerging out of the sides by the following year. It’s these shoots that are used to make cinnamon. Once cut, the shoots are stripped of their bark and the peels are set out to dry in the sun. As this happens, the bark naturally curls into quills.

Ceylon cinnamon is usually sold in quill form, and it is characterized by a sweet smell and light brown color. It’s thin and has a crumbling texture, so it can be ground easily, using a coffee grinder. Cassia cinnamon can be found in a variety of forms, the most common of which is ground cinnamon, but it’s generally too hard to grind at home.


Additional information

Weight N/A

Beans, Cafetiere, Filter, Espresso

Pack size

250g, 500g, 1Kg


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