Black Cow Strawberry Vodka



Black Cow Strawberry Vodka

World’s smoothest pure milk vodka combined with fresh natural strawberries.

Black Cow Strawberry Vodka has no added sugar or sweeteners, our strawberry vodka is flavoured naturally by the fruit.

Locally sourced, leftover or misshapen English strawberries that would otherwise go to waste are pressed and infused in Black Cow to create a fresh, light vodka with the unmistakable taste of freshly-picked strawberries. 37.5% 500ml

Black Cow Strawberry Vodka – serve neat over ice, or add a dash of soda or tonic to give it some bubbles

Pure Milk Vodka. World’s smoothest. Black Cow Cheese is available in store!

Black Cow is the world’s first Pure Milk Vodka. Made from the milk of grass grazed cows, it has an exceptionally smooth and creamy character. Sip neat, or mix in a long drink or cocktail.

We make our vodka in West Dorset from the milk of cows that graze on the fields surrounding the Black Cow distillery. Black Cow is the original spirit to champion sustainability. It is whey, a by-product of the cheese-making process, that makes our vodka so gloriously smooth.

We also have a limited edition Strawberry Vodka at 30%. Slight sweeter, think strawberry jam –

Heading to the New Forest this year? –

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Additional information

Weight 1300 g